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7th International Symposium "Czech Foreign Policy": Interview with Professor Soli Özel
7th International Sympozium "Czech Foreign Policy": Thursday, Panel I
7th International Symposium "Czech Foreign Policy": Wednesday, Panel II
Turkey's Turn? Interview with Soli Özel
Inside the Middle East: Q&A with Soli Ozel
13. Außenpolitische Jahrestagung (3) - Keynote Prof. Soli Özel
Soli Ozel, contribution to Session 6
Assessing the Recent Political Dynamics of the MENA Region | Soli Ozel
IBGC Interviews: Is It "Turkey's Turn?" Journalist Soli Ozel (Excerpt)
Soli Özel'in Gezi Parkı ile İlgili Yorumları / Soli Özel CNN Commentary about Gezi Park Protests
6th International Symposium "Czech Foreign Policy" - Day II, Introduction
Soli Özel | Delphi Economic Forum 2017